Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Fighting with the windmills"

Life in Egypt is never boring... although according to Nichole we had a boring week; we did not do anything apart from going to school and back home (actually Kathy's home, as we've been house sitting). I was exhausted this week and didnt do much; just work and home. So, just to compensate, we went to McDonalds onThursday evening for dinner, just because we didnt know where else to go. :(
So, as i was saying... Egypt is not boring; i was suppose to go to a race today ... one that i've been looking forward to go since the beginning of March. Don't get me wrong, i was not planning on running for the big prize, but just being there with all the people only to be able to say i was in a race. In was a fundraising event for CCS. Anyway, i had to cancel that and go to my "favourite" place in Cairo - Mogamma ... again!!!!!!
I had arranged with Ehab to have an Egyptian man coming with me this time. So, Hany came- he does not speak any English, but this time i had a less traumatic experience that the previous ones. I just handed the papers and i'll have to go back in 10 days.
When i left the building (which btw, depresses me) i was at peace and i had a picture of Don Quijote/Quixote fighting with the windmills. Don't know if you've ever read the book or know the story; we have a saying in Romanian when you're fighting against something that is not worth fighting for because there is no way of winning and that is "fighting with the windmills" - just like Don Quijote.
That is how i felt like this morning - there was no point in fighting with them anymore or getting frustrated, because they still have their system, which is "no system" (quoting an Egyptian).
I chose to do it their way and left without any comments. I went to Road 9 for a bagel, met Luke then headed to Cilantro for coffee. Now i am at school, although it is the weekend ... i have loads of work to do! Nearly done...

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