Friday, September 23, 2011


A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said: 'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together. So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?' She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.' She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request. Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.
The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child! 'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.' The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point. He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb.
The crime is the same! Together we can help save precious lives! "Love says I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person. Abortion says I sacrifice the other person for the good of myself..." Jesus sacrificed Himself for the good of sinners! That's perfect love! -unkown

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tears ...

I made a promise at the beginning of this summer ... and I made it a few times before going on my adventures. I promised I won't cry ... and I've done pretty well. I was so close to crying a few times but I pulled myself together and held back my tears. However, as my plane landed from Cincinnati to Chicago something happened.... out of a sudden I felt like crying for no reason at all. I thought to myself: "what's wrong?" I went on to go get my bag and meet "Mum" (not my mum, Nichole's mum (I just got used to refer to her as "mum"); as I was coming down the escalator I saw her and she waved at me; I rushed to hug her and as always she said she was very happy to see me again. As she hugged me I cried ... I was happy to see her and the sense of familiarity that she brings, the "everything will be ok" feeling... That is when I realized it was ok to cry...
I somehow understand the frustration of men when they say: "oh, stop crying! Why are you crying?" As women we are structured to cry more often and release/express our emotions.
I've learned that crying is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary! and yes, it is ok to cry... even Jesus cried!

Be the best of whatever you are


Douglas Malloch

If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill
Be a scrub in the valley--but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway some happier make;
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass--
But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here.
There's big work to do and there's lesser to do,
And the task we must do is the near.

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail--
Be the best of whatever you are!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Son

The Son

Author Unknown

A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had Everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art.

When the Viet Nam conflict broke out, the son went to war. He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son.

About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands. He said, "Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly. He often talked about you, and your love for art."

The young man held out his package.

"I know this isn't much. I'm not really a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this."

The father opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, painted by the young man. He stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the personality of his son in the painting. The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes welled up with tears. He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the portrait.

"Oh, no sir, I could never repay what your son did for me. It's a gift."

The father hung the portrait over his mantle. Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected. The man died a few months later. There was to be a great auction of his paintings. Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and having an opportunity to purchase one for their collection. On the platform sat the painting of the son.

The auctioneer pounded his gavel. "We will start the bidding with this portrait of the son. Who will bid for this painting?" There was silence. Then a voice in the back of the room shouted. "We want to see the famous paintings. Skip this one." But the auctioneer persisted. "Will someone bid for this painting? Who will start the bidding? $100, $200?" Another voice shouted angrily. "We didn't come to see this painting. We came to see the Van Goghs, the Rembrandts. Get on with the real bids!" But still the auctioneer continued. "The son! The son! Who'll take the son?"

Finally, a voice came from the very back of the room. It was the long-time gardener of the man and his son. "I'll give $10 for the painting." Being a poor man, it was all he could afford. "We have $10, who will bid $20?" "Give it to him for $10. Let's see the masters." "$10 is the bid, won't someone bid $20?"

The crowd was becoming angry. They didn't want the painting of the son. They wanted the more worthy investments for their collections. The auctioneer pounded the gavel. "Going once, twice, SOLD for $10!" A man sitting on the second row shouted. "Now let's get on with the collection!"

The auctioneer laid down his gavel.

"I'm sorry, the auction is over. When I was called to conduct this auction, I was told of a secret stipulation in the will. I was not allowed to reveal that stipulation until this time. Only the painting of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including the paintings. The man who took the son gets everything!"

God gave his son 2,000 years ago to die on a cruel cross. Much like the auctioneer, His message today is, "The son, the son, who'll take the son?"

If I Had My Life To Live Over

If I Had My Life To Live Over

by Erma Bombeck

If I Had My Life To Live Over.......

I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy,I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."

There would have been more "I love you's".. more "I'm sorry's"

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it... live it...and never give it back.


I asked God to take away my pain. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.
I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you.
I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, No. I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.
I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as he loves me. God said... Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Soaring on wings as eagles....

When an eagle flies into a storm it tilts its wings which enables it to soar upwards and thereby flyover the storm....

Monday, May 2, 2011

An update ...

I've been so bad lately keeping this blog up to date!! I went home for Easter break and I was asked: "What happened to you? You don't write as often as you used to!!...."
I guess I just got caught up with life and ignored all of you out there .... Life has been hectic around here .... meeting new people, doing all kinds of crazy things and when I say crazy I really mean crazy (bbq in the desert in the midst of a sandstorm, getting lost sooo many times in this city driving, having fun wt friends new and old, meeting new people, especially locals and learning more about them and their life-style...) I have to say life is not the same when you immerse yourself completely into this culture and making friends with the locals.
There is this one friendship in particular than I am developing with a Qatari woman who's about my age (a few years older).... the interesting thing is that she does not speak English and I do not speak Arabic! Well, she speaks a few words of English and I speak a few of Arabic, but we seem to connect and have so many laughs together!! She gives me karak (a yummy type of tea only found here in Qatar and India) and ahwa (coffee) and sends me messages on my BB in Arabic! (Thank God for the translator application that I just downloaded with Katrina's help!).
Ohh, yeah I forgot to mention (not to brag but more to make a point...) - I now have a Blackberry and I wouldn't say this here but somebody made a remark last week while we were chatting about various subjects - this Qatari lady was doing my hair and make-up for a wedding and she was surprised with how quickly I've learned so many things about this culture! So she says: "Ohh, you are all Qatari now! You even have a Blackberry and BB!!!" I started smiling, because my Blackberry was a present from a friend who said to me when seeing my Nokia: "You DON'T have a Blackberry??????" with the biggest astonishment ever! So, yes everybody here is into Blackberry!! (I guess Blackberry should pay me for this free advertisement)
I've attended a few weddings here ... and I am learning how to dance the Qatari way (I am still rubbish at it though, but the important thing is that I am trying!) Unfortunately nobody is allowed to take pictures at the weddings here, as there's just women and they uncover at the wedding, to reveal the most amazing dresses, make-up and hair that I have even seen in my life! The weddings here are a display of wealth, style..... Imagine yourself wearing your best dress ever, the best make-up ever and the best hair ever - that would still not measure up to what the Qatari ladies wear here! I think I should write a separate post on weddings! (Btw, I am attending one tonight!).
Now I have my own abaya!!! :D Actually I have 2! (An abaya is the long, black dress the ladies wear here for those of you who have no idea of what it is).... It is very practical to have one, as I often put it over my pyjamas just to go to the supermarket or drive somewhere to grab a coffee! A funny thing happened this weekend - I had a long sleep bcz of a party the night before and I woke up late next day feeling hungry; I was craving a salad so I just put my abaya over my pj's and went to the nearest supermarket! When I got to pay the Filipino cashier greeted me with a "salam alekum!" I replied in English and her facial expression was priceless! I have to admit that I don't think I'd pass for a local... my skin is way too white.... I smiled at her thinking to myself I should do this more often, just for fun when I need to brighten up my day or when I need smth different!
I've been thinking a lot these days of the book I am planning to write and I just need to sit down and find time to gather my thoughts.... soon!!!

How to make yourself feel better....

This is not my list, I edited it a bit... but I love all the suggestions here and I will try some of them!

<3 Eat the best chocolate you can get your hands on. In bed. Or in the bath.

<3 Turn up music you really love. Play it so loudly that it soaks in through your skin. Dance in your pyjamas. Feel the pain lift.

<3 Have a romance in your head.

<3 Buy a remote control for your camera & dip your toes into the pool of narcissism.

<3 Call a friend & ask them if they want to have a slumber party.

<3 Throw yourself head-first into a creative project. Something that you’re excited about but which feels a little too big for you. You’ll be so consumed by it that it will fuel you for ages.

<3 Sing. Loudly. Badly. Off-key. Whatever you like. It works.

<3 Cover your entire body in cocoa butter & fall asleep.

<3 Write a list of things that you appreciate right now, in the present moment. Focus on each of them & let the love inside you well up. Even when things appear to be going really, really badly, there are always things to be happy about. (That’s one of the reasons why we do Things I Love Thursday — to help bring your attention back to the positive.)

<3 Indulge in your “guilty pleasures”, whatever they are. (Old episodes of America’s Next Top Model, ginger ale, chocolate cake, romantic comedies, etc.)

<3 Send a text message to one of the most interesting people you know — maybe someone you don’t know that well, just to say hello.

<3 Order delivery food, just to bask in the glory of the fact that if you pay people, they will come to your door. With food. Warm, good food. What an age we live in, huh?

<3 Look through old photos. With a friend if possible. If it’s an old friend, you can reminisce (“Oh my god, do you remember when we did that?!”), & if it’s a new friend, you can tell grand stories (“Well, let me tell you about this guy…”).

<3 Listen to old Motown hits. Come up with dance moves. Wear something sparkly & work it out. (DJ Z-Trip’s Motown Breakdown is an excellent time, too.)

<3 Write a gruellingly personal entry for your blog dissecting every aspect of the situation which has upset you so much. Post it, don’t post it, whatever, just get it out of your system.

<3 Plan a holiday.

<3 Write a ridiculous online dating profile & marvel at the people who come out of the woodwork.

<3 Spend an hour in your variety store of choice, set yourself a budget ($20?) & buy some junk. Lip treatments, candy, maybe an exfoliating scrub… Then go home & play with your new purchases. There’s a reason it’s called retail therapy, you know (though of course, it doesn’t last).

<3 Think up nicknames for all your friends, then send them each postcards to alert them.

<3 Grab a friend, dress up like tourists & go & do all the really schlocky things on offer in your city. Take LOTS of photos, & be sure to flash the peace sign in 70% of them.

<3 Go to a yoga class. Surrender & breathe deep.

<3 Write multiple lists of everything you want. Material possessions, relationships, work, lifestyle, everything. Pin them up by your door so you see them all the time.

<3 Go through Urban Dictionary & find some fun/ridiculous new words to add to your vocabulary.

<3 Make yourself the biggest ice-cream sundae you’ve ever seen. Decorate it with hot fudge sauce, whipped cream, sprinkles, nonpareils, whatever you like. Take a photo. Give it a name (“Jane’s Orgasmatron Cardiac Arrest Sundae”). Devour. Maybe without using your hands. Take a photo of that too.

<3 Get your eyebrows shaped.

<3 Spend an hour in a department store sniffing perfume samples. When you find something you like, spray it on a card & drop it in your purse.

<3 Watch videos of flamboyant, successful people like Elton John or Michael Jackson & marvel.

<3 Plan a party with a theme that makes you feel really, really happy.

<3 Write a letter to yourself in the future. Then hide it. Maybe in the pocket of a coat you never, ever wear.

<3 Leave the house wearing just fabulous lingerie underneath a coat. With heels.

<3 Hula hoop.

<3 Buy some really good art for your walls. Posters, prints, original artwork or other. If you’re feeling impoverished, go to the library, check out some art books, then take huge, great quality photocopies at a copy shop.

<3 Listen to Never Better by P.O.S. from start to finish & revel in what a great album it really is.

<3 Load up your ipod & go for a walk through your favourite park.

<3 Visit a cool toy store & make your friend a surprise package.

<3 Reach out to the people who inspire you but who don’t know you exist.

<3 Write the birthdays of your personal heroes in your planner & work out a way to honour them on that day.

<3 Pie.

<3 Bake heart- or bunny-shaped cookies. Give them away.

<3 Be graceful.

<3 Be graceless.

<3 Make a video diary.

<3 Answer questions with questions.

<3 Try on a pair of really, really expensive shoes & act like you’ll be back tomorrow, but you’re just going to go home & think about it. (Bonus points: take a photo of you in them. Often you will need to be stealthy about this but it’s worth doing.)

<3 Flirt with entirely inappropriate people.

<3 Sing into your friend’s answering machine. (If you’re in the USA & use Slydial, it will take you straight to their voicemail.)

<3 Pour pancakes in the shape of your initials. Eat them while watching aerobics on television.

<3 Make friends with your neighbours.

<3 Tell someone cute, “You’re cute”.

<3 Find a secret place with a great view. Like a tree, or a rooftop, or a hill.

<3 Go & see a musical (or just rent one).

<3 Be optimistic.

<3 Buy ridiculous slippers.

<3 Make a list of the things you want to do to celebrate the upcoming season.

<3 Watch movies you used to love as a child.

<3 Book a karaoke room with friends & sing your heart out.

<3 Make a list of practical, actionable ways you can improve your situation.

<3 Start keeping a dream journal & write down their supposed meanings, too.

<3 Write a play.

<3 Change your ring-tone to the sound of one of your friends laughing hysterically.

<3 Take a nap with your head at the other end of the bed.

<3 Walk around a garden centre & buy a colourful plant. Give it a name.

<3 Hug your friends.

<3 Believe that everything is always getting better.

Peace, joy & love,