Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tears ...

I made a promise at the beginning of this summer ... and I made it a few times before going on my adventures. I promised I won't cry ... and I've done pretty well. I was so close to crying a few times but I pulled myself together and held back my tears. However, as my plane landed from Cincinnati to Chicago something happened.... out of a sudden I felt like crying for no reason at all. I thought to myself: "what's wrong?" I went on to go get my bag and meet "Mum" (not my mum, Nichole's mum (I just got used to refer to her as "mum"); as I was coming down the escalator I saw her and she waved at me; I rushed to hug her and as always she said she was very happy to see me again. As she hugged me I cried ... I was happy to see her and the sense of familiarity that she brings, the "everything will be ok" feeling... That is when I realized it was ok to cry...
I somehow understand the frustration of men when they say: "oh, stop crying! Why are you crying?" As women we are structured to cry more often and release/express our emotions.
I've learned that crying is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary! and yes, it is ok to cry... even Jesus cried!

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