Friday, January 30, 2009

How is it like to be a teacher with no voice?

Answer: TERRIBLE!!!!!!!
It's been a long week ... i can't even remember the things i did!! :)) One thing that happened was that on Tuesday i completely lost my voice; i guess i caught a cold and it has affected my voice. I was ok, only voice missing ...
Of course, i couldn't take the day off, as there was nobody to sub for me! I had to teach!! Luckily my children had Arabic that day and Design and Technology, so that saved part of my day.

The children have not been very supportive either - they kept chattering all day and i tried using a bell, to get their attention .. it didnt really work! For a minute i thought i am loosing it and going crazy!! We had a Science project - making the planets - papier-mache and painting them. So, we were at the stage of painting them, when one of the girls took one planet (wet paint) and starting wandering around the classroom with it .... so all the kids got blue paint on their shirts on Sunday. I was busy with other children .. i tried calling out her name, but nothing came out of my mouth, so i had to go and take the planet out of her hands. Now, that i look back, it seems funny!! It wasnt then!!

Wednesday it was much better!! They were all happy! "Miss Mocanu, you have your voice back!". I was like: "Yeap, you guys took it with you on Monday afternoon... now i am happy you brought it back!".

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