Monday, January 19, 2009


I havent' been very good at updating this blog lately, as i am still waiting for a new chord for my computer. It's been more than a month since they "repaired" it, but obviously they didnt' do such a great job, as it worked only for 2 days.
Maybe it is a good thing in the end, as i am reading more now. I have 3 books that i have started reading plus 1 more at Bronwyn's place. by the way, Bron just moved in to this new place that is close to us - it is such a nice flat!! we've been freezing in ours, as there is no heat, no insolation - it is warmer outside than inside. The only way to warm up in the morning is to take a hot shower.
Anyway, i am reading this book now, Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge; i was not that impressed with it in the beggining and quite reluctant on continuing to read it, but for some reason i didnt stop. It is written from a very American perspective and mindset; as a Eastern European woman, i do not really relate to many of the things there, but it still has some useful things. It tries to build up one's self-esteem, giving examples of heart-broken women. I, then, discovered that i am pretty ok when it comes to my self-esteem. I have no major issues - i am content with the way i am, but at the same time i aknowledge my limitations and faults.
It talks a lot about a loving God and Stasi is very open on talking about her rough past. I would not be that comfortable sharing such deep things with the whole planet. The authors keep mentioning characters from movies and stories - many of them that i have never heard of.
i still think it was written for mainly an American audience - i do not know how the book was received in other countries. I guess i should look into that!
Anyway, enough with my "review"! I should go and put that dragon display up!

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