Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank God I am a woman??? Not too sure...

I took this picture in a shop in Germany this summer and I thought to myself: YESS, thank God I am a woman!! Not feeling very feminist today ... I am not up to defend my "race" but I would rather be on the other camp!
Why are we women so emotional? Why do we overthink everything, we make scenarios in our minds about a certain fact/person/situation, we can't read maps properly, we talk too much (a comedian once said: "I didn't speak for 6 months - I didn't want to interrupt my wife!"), we PMS, we expect everything to be done our way, we make a big fuss over everything and we cry a lot!!
I like the simplicity of men's brains, the straight-forwardness they use when they talk, their wish to solve your "problems" (even though what we usually need is just a ear to listen), the need to come up with a solution....
So what is there to love about being a woman?
Did I mention the picture was taken in a shop?

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