Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ramblings after 2 months...

It's been a couple of months now since my move to Qatar and I am still enjoying it! :) A friend was saying the other day that I am the only person he has met that actually loves Doha! Moving from Cairo, the city of pollution, craziness and bargaining this feels like a breath of fresh air!
I can walk on the corniche every day whenever I want, I can buy anything I want, I can go anywhere I want, I can drive... there;s many things I can do!
Unfortunately there's not much contact with Qataris (unless they're the parents of the kids I teach) - sometimes I feel they're hiding somewhere!!
Even after 2 years in Egypt I am still learning about the Arabs and the Arab world; such a shame I didn't invest more in relationships with locals in Cairo!! Doha Film Festival happened this past week and I took advantage of it and watched a few movies; one of them, "Just Like Us" talked about Arabs and their sense of humour; the producer made a point out of the fact that not all Arabs are suicide bombers and terrorists! Of course I've never thought that, but it was like an eye-opener for many of the people present.
I came to realise I am still quite ignorant when it comes to this culture; like a great Romanian man once said: "The more I find out, the more I realise how less I know!" this is how I feel now - I am learning so many things (most of them consist of "do's and don'ts ..because.... this is what Arabs think of...." ). No display of affection in public with the opposite sex, not even talking if possible!! Come'on!!!!! I should make a list one day....

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