Saturday, November 7, 2009

Autumn... and carving pumpkins

I never liked autumn... i actually hated it as it brought a sense of emptiness and death with it (i thought). Autumns in Romania are nasty i thought ... the weather goes bad, it rains, leaves are falling off the trees ... but i guess they're the same everywhere. Well, not in Egypt! There is no autumn season here, so i guess i've dealt with the months of September and October much better!
i am learning from Sarah to love the colours of autumn, the smell if it.... she has decorated her classroom beautifully for this season and her air freshener smells like autumn too!

I named my pumpkin Wally at first and then i realised that Jimmy would suit him better!!
Much better than last year - Lebanon!
Well, last year my pumpkin was rotten so i had to slice it in half!Anyway... Wendy hosted another pumpkin carving day, just as last year and i was very happy to attend - not to celebrate autumn, but to carve a pumpkin. We don't do it at home but i quite like it!
I rushed to Kimo market to buy a pumpkin - they were selling them for 6 LE/kg and i was not too pleased with that price. I had to get one for Sarah as well, so i managed to pay 55 LE for 2 pumpkins of around 6-7 kg each! Good deal!! Sarah was frustrated with hers and put a knife through his eye! :((
Well, of course MishMish was excited to meet Wally and ate some of it, then pushed him off the table! So, this morning i had to slice Wally up and put him in the oven! :(

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