Tuesday, April 21, 2009

10 things to do while you are single (??!)

I was reading an article the other day about things to do while you're single. I pasted them here. My only question is: what do you do when you've done them all?

1.Travel alone to develop your independence.
2.Wallow in a broken heart. This gives you time to heal from any previous relationship problems.
3. Spend a weekend with a married couple your age. You will see marriage is not the ideal state you might imagine it to be.
4. Don't stay home all night. Live a little and enjoy your single status.
5. Stand up for a cause you care about. People are attracted to others who are passionate about the things they love.
6. Learn to fly a plane, surf some big waves, or start your own business. This can also help to nurture your self-reliance.
7. Learn how to take care of yourself. You'll be better suited to a wider range of partners.
8. Buy something hugely impractical just because you love it. It's a good idea to treat yourself every once in a while.
9. Develop a hobby. More
skills and interests can make you more attractive.
10. Be completely, utterly, wholly single for at least three months.

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