Saturday, August 30, 2008

More relaxing days ...Aqua Park

We started work at school and after 3 days of training our boss thought we need to relax, so he took us all to the Aqua Park.

Aqua Park is about 45 min drive from Maadi but it is an incredible place to go swimming and enjoy the different types of slides, including the "black hole".

We stayed until 2:30 when the bus came to pick us up; the entrance fee was about 45 LE, which included a drink and lunch (either a chicken sandwhich or fish and rice/chips and veggies). Nichole went for the chicken sandwhich which she did not like at all, so it all went into the bin. My veggies were fried in butter, the rice had a lot of oil and the chicked was deep fried, but i ate it anyway; it was not that bad!

The most amazing thing was to see the way the women go into the swimming pool, completely covered, just as they go out on the streets.

I bet it is not too comfy to swim with all those clothes on!! Both me and Nichole were wearing a one-piece swimsuit and i felt naked; usually at home, girls wear two-piece swimsuit and that is normal, but here, i guess i was the naked one.

A strange things happened, while i was under water trying to do one of the tricks Nichole taught me - a man pinched my bottom and i felt so bad!! I felt violated, but at the same time a feeling of guilt came along, as i was one of the few persons "naked" - according to the Egyptian culture.

All in all, i had a great time there ... i love swimming!!!!!!


Cristian Emanoel Bratu Ene said...

That's quite a cultural shock, lol. but at least you were not the only female that didn't obey the culture, right?

Helen said...

Well, well Gaby - just read this posting. So you like swimming? Next time you come to The Netherlands, we will take a trip to the beach!