Saturday, August 30, 2008

Flat hunting

So... visa kind of sorted... now we needed to start looking for a flat. This was a very frustrating experience; our first day looking for a flat was a waste of time, i would say, if i were to look at things from an European perspective. We didnt manage to see any flats, just got some contacts of a few people.
After walking about the whole day, we had 5 telephone numbers ... Once we got to Wendy's flat we started calling people, so in the end we had an appointment for the next day to go and see 3 flats.
First flat was kind of ok... but a little bit too far from our school.. and the neighborhood looked a bit dodgy... After that, this Egyptian guy, Gamel, took us to a roundabout where we were supposed to meet his friend in 10 minutes. Gamel bought us drinks while we were waiting; his friend didnt show up until 1 hour later, right when we wanted to go home and send Gamel to the hospital, cause his wife was delivering a baby. We thought it was very strange for him to hang with us, while his wife is having a baby, but i guess it is the culture.
His friend, Hossem which turned out to be Hussein (our ears are not tuned into Arabic yet) showed us 3 more flats; the last one we saw, was a 3 bedroom apt which we kind of liked. There was hardly any furniture in, but the landlady promised she will bring everything new. Hmmm.. i doubted that, but it looked like a nice place. The price was more than we were willing to pay (2500 Le), but in the end we kind of decided that is the place we want to get.
We contacted some other people and decided to come back with an Egyptian man, that can interpret for us and make sure the English version of the contract is the same as the one in Arabic, because often, the contracts differ a lot and as a foreigner you might get in trouble in case you want to leave the flat or anything happens.. I've heard many stories about that.
Well, it is a nice area and the 'land family' is nice - they like both me and Nichole a lot and they seems very friendly.
We went back a few days later, with Sameh and signed the contract. They promised in a week's time they will buy the AC and furniture so we can move in; they promised a new fridge and new furniture ... insh'allah!

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