Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We like new things... growing up we probably liked new toys or new clothes, a new washing machine or a new car, maybe a new computer. I've always thought of myself as a person who likes new things, new experiences. As I was having dinner the other night wt some friends and I was offered a different kind of tea, I found myself picking the same old Lipton... So, I started questioning myself whether or not I like new things.
Moving to a new place is part of the question as well - changing home, changing countries, changing friends... We all start fresh at some point and we bring our background, our experiences of life, our principles and ways of life and we somehow expect everybody and everything to fit into OUR way/s. Well, it's not going to work most of the time... Therefore I am the one who needs to adapt to a new environment, new people, new ways of doing things, otherwise everything gets frustrating. How do I do it? Well, I do not have a recipe but trust that God will change me, mold me, make me a better person through every single experience coming my way!


Anonymous said...

how about new friends?

ankesepamon said...

ce faci ma???
cum pleci, uiti de aia vechi? :D
gabz, sigur ai luat numa' lipton in seara aia? :))

Gaby said...

new friends... good question.
Numa Lipton ca altceva nu e!