Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Don't you just love the honesty and innocence of a child?

Wednesday .. special day for many reasons - my sister's bday, my boss' bday, plenty of teacher treats in the kitchen (we've been praying for some) and special because i got to spend another marvelous day in KG.

I just love the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" because you can teach so much using it!! So, we've been using it for Literacy and for Science looking at the life cycle of a butterfly and of course - Art - painting our own butterflies. Luckily, one of the little girls brought in a video and we got to watch that too, after i struggled for half an hour to set up the VCR.

The funny part is that earlier during the day, i read the sotry to them and when i got to the part that says: "Now, he was not a little caterpillar anymore, but a big, fat caterpillar", i imediately got a reply: "JUST LIKE YOU!!" - i looked down and saw a happy face with a huge smile who was just as honest as she can be!! I did not get offended at all - it just brightened my day!! I smiled back and carried on with the story!

Well, i am not that big ... but i guess children see me big and they're not shy about telling me what they think; for eg: "do you have a baby in your tummy?" (of course i dont!) - in the end, i do think i should not wear that long dress, coz it makes me look pregnant; i was talking about my dress with Nichole ... she said i don't look pregnant at all!! Well, children are always honest and say what they truly think. :)

I love them so much and i am happy to be their teacher, though most of the times they are not angels. They bring a lot of happiness to my life at this point and every day with them is a challenge and a new reason to celebrate life!

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